TeamGrowing: Motivate the team

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Odoo • Image and Text

Motivate people

What would you like to see in your team?

Employees who use their knowledge and skills independently.Team members who use each other’s strengths optimally and absorb each other’s pitfalls in a sporting manner.  Team members and teams who seek each other out as powerful allies to achieve results. Teams who make knowledge transfer and professional development part of their daily work.

You and your team need to handle change; Be motivated to change and to support each othe  during that change.

As a Teamgrowing coach, you can motivate your team and your organization, and help them achieve their goals!

Resistance: do not deal with it

Change in an organization often comes with resistance.

Learn not to deal with it. Instead, learn to listen empathically and strengthen the positive desire to change. Find and encourage the intrinsic motivation. Because resistance often hides ambivalence: part of us wants the change. But when we are pushed, we resist. Think New Year Good Intentions, already shattered a couple of weeks later.

That is where you can help, as a Teamgrowing coach.

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

We will fill your backpack with ...

As a coach, you need to know and understand. And you need tools to make change happen. The training provides you with a mix of both:

These challenges form the training backlog

  • How NOT to deal with resistance  (Motivational interviewing according to the book Coaching 3.0, part 1 by Sergio van der Pluim)
  • Understanding each other’s strengths and pitfalls
    (Personality Styles according to DISC, inspired by Merrick Rosenberg’s book High Flyers)
  • How to change, when change is hard
    (The rider and elephant model, inspiring nine change strategies from Chip and Dan Heath’s Book Switch!)
  • Cross-team collaboration
    (We investigate cross-team dynamics in the Saboteur simulation)
  • Professional development and knowledge sharing
    (Getting Started with the Skills Compass)
  • Roles and hand-offs  (We investigate the effectiveness of hand-offs in the Kapla simulation)

We also work on

  • Exchanging knowledge with participants from other organizations;
  • Facilitating and coaching teams (virtually);
  • The effect of positive coaching on TeamGrowing;
  • The Lean and Agile philosophy behind TeamGrowing;
  • Increasing ownership and employee participation;
  • Initiating and maintaining an improvement process led by the team(s).


From 19/06/2022 09:00
To 20/06/2022 17:00

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+32 (0)474 891 705

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